This webpage is created after I believe the Bible teaches Armageddon started on October 1st or 2nd of 2024. We can know everything recorded in the Bible serves as a tutor leading to Christ. (Gal 3:23-26) That must include bringing an understanding of [bringing the revelation of] these last days and Armageddon; and of the churches prominent part in bringing it. Please continue reading, then, to see why I believe this letter is the joyous completion of my life's work; taking the form of my Bible study recorded and available to all the world at
The start of Armaggedon means, among other things, I believe the separating work by Jesus is over and everyone has been judged and marked for life; or for death. (Mat 25:31-34 & 41) In other words; we have faith in what Christ taught, or we don't; which has judged eternally we are who we are! (John 3:19 of 16-21) I believe, then, my days of needing to make excuses for my self-righteous religious neighbors; [those who imagine they are saved by their segregating religious membership approval, as they actually hate and judge others while hiding truth (Rom 1:18-20) by spreading lies of doctrine in Jesus and/or יהוה's names (Mark 7:7-13 of 5-16; Mat 15:8-9)] as well as those who assert my Lord Jesus is a good man or even a prophet, but not God's promised Messiah; [refusing to recognize and worship Jesus (Mat 14:33 of 28-33) as God's son and enthroned King, deliverance by him first promised in Gen 3:15; (Gen 22:18 of 15-18; Isa 9:6-7; Luke 1:30-33; Mark 11:9-10; Mark 4:10-12; Mark 9:1-8)] along with all those persons who proclaim they don't even believe God exists at all; (Psa 14:1; Deu 32:4-6) it seems my days of trying to make excuses for any and all of them are over and done. The start of Armageddon means they are not confused as I had hoped... They are who they are! And, Armageddon means I am safe! My fretting is over. [It makes me happy not to have to think about who is bad, as that judgment has been rendered by my righteous Father. If some "are" yet being awakened from confusion and into life, good! My simple hope is this: I want everyone God says should live to live, and everyone He says should die to die. No exceptions; myself included. Only God knows hearts; (Acts 9:1-22) and Jesus of course... (2 Cor 5:10; Mat 16:27; Mat 13:47-50 of 44-50)] My belief is everyone has judged and identified themselves to be what they are by the faith they have built; for or against Christ as King. (John 3:19-21) All that is left is to keep living in and by our faith, or die. (John 11:26)
Having that knowledge helps us realize the significance of something else we see about Armageddon: Today, we note most of our "last days" world neighbors have taken a stand in what they believe is for or against Zionism. Not all carry signs or even use the word Zion, but most everyone has chosen a side over Israel [for or against what they imagine is the kingdom and rule of the Israel of God (Gal 6:15-16)]. Their expression of faith surrounding Zionism does seem significant; but not in the way most imagine! (Psa 2:6 of 1-6) Problem for the non-Christian World: They don't know what Zionism is! Which ever side they "imagine" they are on, most people are actually fighting against Zion. (Heb 12:22 of 12:22-13:6; Rev 14:1-5; Psa 2:6-12 of 1-12) They have had opportunity to know! (John 18:37) In ancient times, Zion referred to Jerusalem with God's Temple and his earthly Kings David and Solomon etc. [to his Kingdom ruling the earth using the bloodline Jewish descendants of Abraham]. (Psa 2:6) Please know and understand: The Bible today teaches Zionism is giving support to God's now ruling Kingdom, with Jesus Christ as David's replacement and newly enthroned King; (Luke 1:30-33) that Kingdom prepared in the heavens and now having come down to rule earth. (Rev 14:1 & Rev 21:1-4; Isa 11:1-13) The Kingdom is the new Israel of God; (Gal 3:26-29) they are the friends of Christ. (John 15:14-15) [Go to:; Select: Zionism?] Zionism thus has nothing to do with the wars of men against men; as many imagine "they" are fighting in support of God to decide who will rule the earth. How foolish and silly they really are. Armageddon is God's war! Don't you find it interesting and even encouraging, though, how God has allowed or maneuvered (Rev 19:19 of 17-19; Rev 16:14-16) the wicked to carry Zionism signs which actually display their judgment of themselves, as they gather to kill their brothers and sisters in Adam; in what they have been led by Satan to believe is God's service... (1 John 5:18-19)
Freely accepting Zionism includes understanding Zion is God's Kingdom by Jesus Christ, and that submitting to Zionism preserves your very life because Armageddon is now destroying all who have not; what ever they may "claim" to or even imagine they support in or by "their" faith. (Jer 3:13) The only thing that matters is whether "our faith" is knowing Jesus Christ personally [whether he considers us his intimate friends (John 15:11-15)] through our own personal study and knowledge of his words; gleaned by having actually listened to him [by having read his words over and over to familiarity]! (Mark 9:7; Read: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Being Jesus's friend does or did require some effort on your part! (Luke 13:23-28)
Armageddon means the righteous are righteous while the wicked are past being able to turn back from their bad way... (Eze 39:1-13) [The wicked may hear these words and turn back for a day or two, like Mr. Trump and many other politicians did after Trump was shot. (Many politicians, including Trump himself, were for a few days after talking about turning down the hate speech. Very uncharacteristic for Mr. Trump.) Those among them who "actually are" wicked, however, [did or] will quickly return to their bad ways; because their previous life choices have been made and now compel them to do harm... (Psa 9:15-18; Psa 37:37-40; James 3:13-15; Gen 6:5)] (Rom 1:28 & 32 of 28-32; Tit 1:16 of 10-16) Their choice to reject Christ is why the wicked are judged, well, wicked. (John 3:17-19) And, יהוה says their faith, or actually their chosen lack of faith, makes the responsibility for their death their own! (Deu 24:16; Eze 18:20; James 1:12-15; Deu 32:5 of 3-6; Rom 1:18-32; Heb 10:38 of 35-39) In prior days repentance meant your life; but it now seems past being an option. (Jer 15:6-7) ••• If, however, YOU do desire to call on our Creator to protect you; shouldn't you recognize and know יהוה to be God's Hebrew Name (Pro 30:4 of 4-6; Judges 12:5-6) as He used it over 6000 times in the original Bible text? (Exodus 31:18) The Divine Name sounds like
to English speakers [as in Yea go team followed by Vah, like the first two letters of vault]. Knowing and pronouncing aloud יהוה's personal Hebrew name may save your life. (Judges 12:5-6) In any case, shouldn't you still yet tell everyone you know what the true God's name is? (Rom 10:15 of 13-15) •••
Chart or Graph: After Armageddon?
Since I believe Armageddon has started, and also that the Bible teaches that is God's war [using Christ and the angels (Mat 25:31-33; Rev 19:11-16)] to destroy the Wicked and preserve alive the righteous [restore paradise (Isa 11:1-13)], why is it not all done and over already?
That is to say: Why are the wicked not destroyed and we who love Christ already in the paradise יהוה intended when He planted Adam and Eve in the Garden? (Gen 1:26-28; Mat 25:34; Isa 11:1-13)
I actually believed hoped considered before Oct 1st that it might be made so by now. (1 Thes 5:1-5; 1 Tim 2:3-4; Rom 11:25-27) Jesus did liken Armageddon to the days of Lot and of Noah. (Luke 17:26-30) The destruction of the wicked seems to have taken just a few minutes or hours in Lot's case. (Gen 19:1-26) The earth-wide destruction of the wicked in Noah's day, (Gen 7:1-8:17) however, did take a bit longer. It rained 40 days and 40 nights; but they might not have all been dead by then. In any case, Noah was in the Ark just a bit over a year. The start of Armageddon seems similar to the day God shut the door on the Ark. (Gen 7:16) Before that door closed, even though most people were wicked, God had likely extended blessings that helped much of humankind stay alive. (Mat 5:43-45 of 38-48) When the door of the Ark was shut, however, there was no further extension of kindness to those not in God's protection. (Rev 7:1-3; Rev 8:3-4; Rev 8:5-6; Jer 25:32-33) The earth-wide destruction of the wicked in our day, because the wicked and the righteous are all mixed together throughout the earth, might take a little longer than even Noah's day; especially if God wants all the wicked to know what is happening to them... And, it seems He does want them to know! (Jer 16:17-21; Isa 49:26) If you are one judged for life, you must surely understand and truly believe it is your faith in the teachings of Jesus that has and/or will keep you alive during this Revelation of Christ; in the escalating destruction of all who are wicked [of all who have rejected faith (Heb 10:35-39; Heb 3:12-19)]. (Psa 91:7 of 7-11) I fear most people will consider these teachings of Christ as foolishness (2 Pet 3:3-4) right up until they are no more! (Psa 37:10-11) How to deal with them, and what they are made or allowed to feel during their destruction, is God's choice! He may have chosen to have no concern or even knowledge of the cares or thoughts of the wicked, any more than we would be concerned for the suffering of a mosquito being eaten alive by a bat outside our home. Jesus did teach us not to pray for the wicked. (John 17:6-10) And then again, יהוה may use these words of Christ to strike terror in the hearts of those who have chosen wickedness; by their refusing to build faith in and accepting the power of the Spirit gained through reading and believing Jesus's words. (John 6:63 plus; John 3:19 of 16-21) I repeat for emphasis, יהוה did say he would make "everyone" aware what is happening! (Rom 14:11-12; Jer 16:17-21; Isa 49:26; Psa 83:18) Do you see the dead bodies just left lying... (Jer 25:32-33) As for me, I want to be careful not to display the Jonah syndrome. [By becoming overly anxious for the destruction of those "I feel" are wicked... (Jonah 3:3-4:11) I, and we all, need to remember this destruction of the wicked is God's work! (Jer 25:32-33)] So, while I don't think there is much time left for the wicked, if you are one marked for life by your faith in Christ, this knowledge is your hope and deliverance.
Like Peter, maybe there is still time to learn from Christ how to make better use of God's Spirit to preserve ourselves alive in the midst of the destruction of all that is bad! (Mat 14:23-34; Heb 3:12-19; Heb 10:35-39) To have my part of [to have my deliverance through]God's Final Solution, I think it requires I "truly believe." I want to believe. I hope and even think I believe. But, "whether we truly believe" seems what we are all learning about ourselves... Do we have true faith to walk with Jesus above the danger and into everlasting life? Now that I believe we have all been judged, our faith to support us must be our own. That would mean even Jesus will no longer help us if we don't have faith... Our lack of faith reflects our judgment of ourselves! (John 3:19 of 16-21) Our chosen faith has made a division of us (Mat 25:31-34) and only death awaits those without faith in God's reigning King. (Jer 25:32-33; Mal 3:16-4:3) Peace and exquisite delight will remain. (Psa 37:10-11; Psa 37:3-4 of 3-11; Isa 55:1-4; Isa 66:10-18) If your faith is in what is true, it is good as done! (Isa 46:8-11; Isa 55:6-11)
Go to:; Select: Deliverance?
Since I didn't see the immediate destruction of the wicked I expected "hoped for" (Psa 37:13 of 10-15; Nahum 3:19) on Oct 1st or 2nd[of this year 2024], I must assume the troubles of the tribulation are rapidly escalating as, or to become, Armageddon. [October 1st did mark Iran's escalation of their part in the war to destroy all Jews, which they and what they accept as their "Supreme Leader" imagine is exterminating Zionism. All the while Israel seems to have decided to go after the vile leaders of those nations of cowards peeking out from behind their own children to kill Jewish women and children, wherever those wicked war mongers try to hide! A problem for Israel, no matter how righteous their cause seems, they are unable to know when the wicked purposely give false information indicating one of their leaders is hiding in the middle of an orphanage; when they are not. But, no one can fool God! So... Armageddon now includes all the wicked being made to "see" what is happening to them and to all those like them... יהוה seems to have allowed[or used]the news media to become our "eye on the world," to show and make "everyone" aware Bible prophecy[Armageddon]is falling on us all. (Rev 6:15-17) God is making crystal clear to everyone what is happening by using that eye; as it also provides visible evidence no one is above the danger... God thus showed the whole world a drone video of the last aggressive and belligerent but futile moments of the life of terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar, staring out from the skeletal remains of a building as he sat in a chair with his right arm blown off. The world was thus shown using that, along with another video taken on the day before his attack on Israel, the futility of the hopes of the wicked. The second video was of Yahya ushering his family into a bunker beneath a city of children, where he imagined it was and would be safe and secure, "for them." We all see, then, just how far he fell in the span of that year. The world's eye allowed by God thus shows us how futile the hopes of "all" the wicked really are. (Pro 18:11) Our eye on Armageddon shows us pictures and videos of bombs and long range missiles striking buildings "precisely where they need to hit" to penetrate and destroy not only the whole building; but also any bunker complex below. Untold numbers are surely sealed dead in such tombs; tombs they imagined were their salvation but are instead eternal shrines to their ignorance and arrogance, and to their false gods as well. Most of them were, after all, fighting to control the world in the name of their chosen Gods... (Jer 16:17-21; Jer 46:10-12) The news recently showed us a photo of the ear mist bullet trace from the strike on Donald Trump.
All the whole world knows "The Donald" is alive only because his shooter was enthralled with Lee Harvey Oswald and with Oswald's long range head shot on a president. If Trump's shooter had had common sense to target center mass, Mr. Trump would likely be a memory. God is thus showing everyone what is happening to the wicked and that no one is safe or can hide. Mr. Trump did tell us, don't you remember, "he" was spared by God... Maybe he was spared for some good work; as he asserts! The eye on Armageddon will soon show us all? It is all really quite a marvelous drama or spectacle, don't you think? (1 Cor 4:9) If you believe you live in a nation that is above this world's danger, well, in my opinion, you are a fool. Just remember and know, Ukraine and Gaza likely felt that way just a few months ago. Yahya certainly felt that way when he hid his family in that bunker a year ago. He's dead by public execution now... I wonder about his family! In most all nations, there are already whole neighborhoods and even cities where the rule of law is ignored and no longer has meaning. Great nations have perished under such hate and defiance of law, leaving only suffering and chaos. In many nations that do remain, people have to hide from the wicked in their homes at night; and live in fear of the violence by day. (Psa 91:5-10 of 1-16) The wicked form gangs and just go into businesses and steal what ever they want. Many or even most people today seem too ignorant or stupid not to know better than tearing down their own society... Some fear the 2024 U.S. Presidential election will spark a civil war... (Even if it doesn't do so immediately, the prevalent fear it "might" [now or in the future] remains a testament to our world's instability. Mr. Putin said he believes the election of Mr. Trump will inspire a new world order... He might be right! It surely won't be anything that will help him and the morally deficit "yes men" he has surrounded himself with. (1 Thes 5:1-3) It seems Mr. Putin should be more concerned about all those troops invading Russia? Are they really North Korean, or are they Chinese? For what "real" purpose are they there; and, who do they obey?) The eye of news shows us people who have proudly resisted the rule of law for decades, (Rom 13:1-4) but now want us to feel sorry as they cry and moan over their own suffering because of the lack of that very law and order they destroyed! We see views "from inside the flames" of wind driven blow torch like fire storms that hug the ground surrounding roads as far as they eye can see, and destroying everything in their path; blowing embers igniting fires miles in front of the blaze. We see drivers trying to excape from the midst of those flames surely praying their car doesn't break down or catch fire! What would the imagined fires of hell look like? God's eye of world news shows us wicked and lawless gangs as they attack and beat people because they are Jews; while other senseless gangs beat Palestinians [Muslims]. Both groups imagine their mission is all about Zionism. Their centuries old hate stems from God having given land, which some of their ancient ancestors somehow imagined belonged to them, to his Jewish Nation; that nation being used and blessed by יהוה to produce his promised Messiah. (Gen 3:15) Both groups [and most alive today] fail to appreciate God's promises to Abraham were a blessing to "all" the nations (Gen 22:18 of 15-18; Gen 18:18 of 16-19) and that God's modern day Israel comprises everyone who expresses faith in Christ. (Gal 3:26-29) None of those killing and harming other humans are fighting for Zion! After being beaten in some historically neutral part of the world, a young Jewish man was seen interviewed saying he was going home to Jerusalem for safety. He seems unconscious to the fact his only real hope of safety lies in his faith in Jesus Christ... Armageddon thus does include God demonstrating He is reaching in to destroy every wicked person, wherever they hide, (Rev 6:12-17) as the faithful will also see him preserve alive every single righteous person; those kept alive by their expression of faith in Christ's words. (Rom 10:9-10) Should or does it surprise you God is often using the bad wicked people have done or tried to do to others, against those very individuals causing harm? (Psa 37:14-15; Psa 7:14-16; Est 7:9-10) Who will protect YOU from the domestic terrorists biologically poisoning our food supply? (Mark 16:18) Just remember, knowing what is happening and talking about it isn't causing it. Recognizing it is rapidly getting worse isn't making it worse. It just means YOU are not so stupid as not to see. Don't remain ignorant... Everyone will know! Even Especially the churches will know. (Jer 16:17-21; Isa 49:26; Isa 45:22-25; Rom 14:11-12) What about you? Is the Spirit gained by your faith in Christ's words preserving you alive? (John 6:63) What we really believe and what is truly important to us, don't you know, is what we talk to others about? Christians thus talk about the Kingdom and our deliverance by Armageddon. People of this world talk about, well, what ever is important to them. (Rom 1:28 of 18-32; Luke 21:34-36) As for you, consider this information a news clip the whole world needs to see: Print this webpage and share it with everyone you know! (Jer 16:17-21; Luke 21:34-36) Are you still feigning ignorance of what is happening? October of 2024 seems to have seen the increase in other world troubles as well (i.e. greater and/or worse "natural" disasters as in the storms in Florida and South Carolina in the United States; and the flood in Spain, along with the mushrooming increase of violence everywhere).] The start of Armageddon surely means we will see more and more people dying all around us, (Jer 25:32-33; Jer 16:4 of 1-12; Zep 1:17 of 1:14-2:3) until the wicked who have refused Christ are all gone. (Psa 91:7 of 1-16; John 3:19 of 16-21; Mal 3:16-4:3) And, since I believe the Bible teaches Oct. of 2026 starts the 7th millennium since the creation of Adam and Eve, and I expect that to be the thousand year reign of Christ, (Rev 20:4) I also believe the Bible teaches Armageddon will be over and done before those two years are up [all wickedness will be destroyed between the start of Armageddon in Oct. 2024, and the start of the 7th millennium in Oct. 2026].
Making public this idea of the media being Armageddon's [God's manipulated] eye on the world, will make some of them not want to report the news, thinking if they hide from it, it won't be true. It is true! All people need to know! (Isa 45:22-25) Please consider: Those individuals exposing and sharing the truth [making the real news public] may actually be workers for God! None, however, are doing a great job. Last evening [Wed. Nov. 20, 2024 and indeed most nights] all three major U.S. news networks had nearly identical programming. All three gave a "thorough" [time consuming] report on a woman trying to get paroled after killing her children thirty years ago, while not any one even mentioned the real news surrounding Israel, as they glossed over many other serious problems. At least two of those three program directors thus seem to need to be chastised or replaced. They are only copycats. If any news people are trying to shirk their responsibility and hide the truth, they may be making themselves God's enemy. (Rom 1:18) It might help reporters[along with the rest of us]not to think of it so much in the light of who is being killed by יהוה, but about what it truly is; about who has refused protection by him. They "have rejected" his gift of life; thus having judged themselves (John 3:19-21) wicked and unworthy of that life, (Acts 13:46-47) by their personal choice to refuse to build faith in what God went to great effort and took 6000 years in sending Jesus to teach. (John 18:37; John 17:3; John 3:19 of 16-21) Refusing to put faith in Jesus is supporting those who killed him. (Heb 6:4-6) Even God himself can't help free moral agents [his potential free sons and daughters (John 15:11-16; Gal 3:26-29)] who don't want, and so chose to refuse to accept, his glorious offer of eternal life [through faith in Christ]! (John 11:25-27) By their own choice to reject Christ's teachings, (Jer 3:13) they have made themselves fit only for destruction... (Rom 9:22-26 of 19-26; Deu 24:16; Eze 18:20; James 1:13-15; Mat 22:1-14 of 1-22; Mat 25:31-46) As for YOU, however: Don't worry; be happy. (John 15:11; John 16:24; John 17:13; 1 John 1:4) Find true happiness in knowing יהוה and in believing what He has promised us through Christ, (Mark 9:7) and then, by actually "expecting" God's promises. That happiness through faith in truth is your healing. (Pro 17:22; Pro 16:24 of 21-24; Pro 3:7-8; Pro 4:22 of 14-24; Pro 15:30 of 29-33) יהוה has made clear so you can understand, the destruction of the wicked by Armageddon, which the world sees as bad, is actually a blessing for all who are righteous. (Psa 9:13-20 of 7-20) Are you talking about it? (Mal 3:16-4:3)
As for me, I try to avail myself of the only hope I see left: I continue to read these cited scriptures and those from the "Deliverance?" webpage, [as knowledge gleaned from the Bible, of course] striving to learn more about our Father and his Son in the interrelationship of scripture; and how to follow Peter's example in building stronger faith in the power of God's Spirit; (Mat 14:23-34) believing Christ's words grant Spirit (John 6:63) to lift us above the danger and sustain life... (John 6:63 plus) Pondering and taking to heart these scriptures brings a happiness and contentment I have never known. (John 15:11) I often weep tears of joy as I read God's words! My hope is that joy is my healing and my everlasting life... (Pro 3:7-8; Pro 16:24; Pro 17:22) I'm trying to learn from and build more faith in Christ and his Father, every day I have life! (John 17:3; Prov 30:4; Mat 17:19-20)
I want these Bible promises to be true; and I hope and pray these things are all so... But, do I really and completely believe? It is "that," a true and unwavering faith, "that" is key to life! I'm waiting to find out if that's what I have, as I also work to strengthen the faith I do have... So, I read Christ's words most every day. Make no mistake, יהוה has been listening to how "YOU" have responded to Christ's words. (Mal 3:16-4:3) It is my belief "my faith" you have been judged by "your" response, as have I! Your faith, however, must be "your faith" and be built on what you personally know Jesus Christ taught; unless you have rejected him... So, while "my faith" means nothing to "help you," it can also do you no harm! The Bible tells us יהוה is doing what He is doing and you can't change that. He has, however, made it so you can know what He is doing; (Amos 3:7 of 6-8) and then, it is "YOUR" faith alone that can save you... (Heb 10:39 of 10:35-12:3; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:40‑55) If you are a righteous person, judged so by your appreciating and loving the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, (John 3:19 & 21 of 16-21) Armageddon means it is יהוה's time to help as never before. Jesus said it is very simple: We should "expect" what we know God has promised, and then, we will have it! (Mark 11:24; Mat 21:21-22; Mat 18:19; John 15:7; John 16:24; Luke 11:9) Armageddon["NOW"]is thus the time for your restoration to better than your youthful vigor. (Job 33:24-25 of 13-30) Only question: Do you believe? (John 11:25-26) Armageddon is a wonderful gift from our Father.
United Prayer of those with Faith!
Armageddon means, without our having to try and judge or even know who they are; it's reasonable to pray for and to "expect" the wicked ones to die in the place of you... If, of course, you are a Christian. That includes, or especially is, those who are trying to do you harm. We have יהוה's promise the wicked will die in place of the righteous. (Pro 21:18; Pro 11:8; Isa 43:4; Pro 13:22; Zech 2:8) You should also appreciate the prayers of righteous persons have great power. (James 5:16) Imagine people all around the earth praying for God's will, Christians who are mature, (Heb 5:14 of 11-14) people who understand what they are praying for. Are your prayers that the wicked die in place of you being heard by God? (Mal 3:16-4:3) Jesus said we should learn what God has promised, and then, we should ask for and "expect" to have it... (Mark 11:24 of 22-24) As you pray for the wicked to die in your place, you should also remember Satan's most effective servants are the best liars. The wicked dying may thus include some you expected or even hoped would live. If you have chosen not to understand that, if you don't want "God's will" above all, (Mat 26:38-39) it might indicate you don't know יהוה at all. You must "love" God's decision as to who his enemies are. Only God and his Son can know who each and every one of them are... (Mat 10:32-37) Armageddon is a state of mind and heart, not a physical location. As the landlord of all the earth; (Luke 20:9-16 of 9-19) יהוה lovingly sent us his Son and has been paying attention to our response to Christ's words. And now, we witness his activities to solve all the problems being suffered by everyone alive... (Mal 3:16-4:3; Mat 13:24-30 of 24-39) This is יהוה's day... (Zep 1:14-2:3; Jer 25:32-33)
Please don't imagine I have looked forward to Armageddon because I want people to suffer. It's because I want the suffering to stop. In the news recently, they showed a tiny girl in hospital. She was burned head to toe and wrapped in white gauze except her eyes and nose and a pacifier in her little mouth. As her mother hung over her crib trying to comfort her, she recounted how she had seen her baby on fire... If the little girl survives, she faces a long and torturously painful recovery. This and similar horror stories are playing out untold times throughout the earth. Everyone is harmed spiritually just being alive in the midst of it. (2 Peter 2:7-9) Can't we all know by now? Shouldn't everyone alive at this end of our 6000 years of disobedience to God know, after witnessing all his efforts to help during those years, including preparing and sending the Messiah; (Mark 12:1-11) shouldn't every single person by now understand all the suffering just needs to stop? Shouldn't, then, everyone who has refused or ignored God's help, die? Isn't that the obvious and only solution? Even God can't make free people righteous using rules and laws; even using his perfect Law Code given Moses. Individuals have to choose to be righteous because it is right and good! (Gal 3:19-26; Heb 7:18-19; Rom 13:8-10; John 13:34-35) That's what Jesus was sent to teach... (John 18:37; John 3:19 of 16-21) Still, the war mongering leaders of this world work to justify their reasons for causing such harm as we see in that little girl; and in the thousands of thousands being harmed like her. (Psa 91:7 of 1-16) There are horrible people too, who do cause some others of feel justified in the need to defend themselves; just to stay alive. All must now see and support: Only יהוה can sort it all out and fix it. That, then, is just what Armageddon is for! Do you imagine all these world leaders would respond favorably if God sat them all down and told them how to behave? But wait, don't YOU know, that is precisely what He has done! He sent Jesus to tell us "all" how to behave. (Mark 9:7; John 6:28-29) And now, we are or we aren't... Armageddon, then, means all people have submitted, or they have refused to submit, to the teachings of Jesus Christ. And now, God is administering loving justice accordingly. (Psa 11:1-7; Mal 3:16-4:3) The door of the Ark seems closed... יהוה can bring the burned tortured little girl relief by healing her. (Job 33:13-30) If, however, she has already been corrupted to badness by those around her and by her environment, (Pro 13:20; 1 Cor 15:33-34; 1 Cor 5:6) He can know that and still give her peace; in death. (Ecc 9:5-6; Psa 146:4; Ecc 9:10) Death seems the only peace for those wicked individuals who have refused Christ. (Isa 48:22; Psa 37:10-11; John 3:19-21) Death is not what God wanted for anyone. (2 Pet 3:9-10) Death is what those who have refused to learn from Christ, how to stop infecting the earth with their bad, have forced on themselves. (2 Pet 2:2 of 1-3; Pro 13:20; 1 Cor 5:6; 1 Cor 15:33; Ecc 9:18) If you have what you suspect is a wicked neighbor, do you want God to let them live if "יהוה himself" has judged they are, well; actually and truly wicked? Of course not! All judged wicked by God need to die... Armageddon means good has arrived and is here forever! (Zep 1:14-2:3) Armageddon, then, don't you see [don't you have faith], is the bringing of peace to everyone! (Mat 25:31-46; Mal 3:16-4:3)
Do you like happy endings? If you are a person Jesus calls his friend, because you have paid attention to what he came down (John 6:37-38) from his Father to teach, (John 15:15 of 11-16; Mat 17:5; Read: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) these days of Armageddon are creating the happiest ending you have ever seen or can imagine, to the drama that is your life... (John 3:16; Job 33:13-30; Isa 1-13) [Along with, of course, your life's new and eternal beginning as a child of God, in among his other faithful sons and daughters. (Gal 6:14-16; Gal 3:26-29; Psa 89:7; Rom 8:18-22; Psa 37:10-11)]
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